

赵荣泳 博士,长聘副教授,博士生导师,同济大学电子信息与工程学院CIMS研究中心。2005年获得同济大学控制理论与控制工程专业博士学位。国际电气和电子工程师协会IEEE Member,中国人工智能学会粒计算与知识发现专业委员会委员,中国工程机械学会智能制造与工业化建造分会秘书长。




研究工作经历:2005-至今,同济大学,电子与信息工程学院,副教授;2007-2008年,丹麦Aalborg UniversityAAU)(10个月),Technical University of Denmark(DTU)2个月)教育部访问学者,研究复杂系统稳定性;

Dr. Zhao Rongyong, Associate Professor, CIMS Research Center, School of Electronic Information and Engineering, Tongji University. I obtained a doctoral degree in Control Theory and Control Engineering from Tongji University in 2005. IEEE Member, member of the Granular Computing and Knowledge Discovery Professional Committee of the Chinese Artificial Intelligence Society, and Secretary General of the Intelligent Manufacturing and Industrial Construction Branch of the Chinese Engineering Machinery Society.

The main research directions are: public safety theory and technology, complex system modeling and optimization, intelligent manufacturing, Rough Set theory; Hosted 3 National Natural Science Foundation projects, 1 Shanghai Natural Science Foundation project, 1 Shanghai Major Research Program project, participated in 1 National Natural Science Foundation major program project, 1 key project, 2 national science and technology research projects, 12 Shanghai science and technology innovation projects, and 6 Shanghai information technology projects. Received one second prize of the Ministry of Education Science and Technology Progress Award, one third prize of the Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Award, and one third prize of the Shanghai Excellent Industry University Research Project. Published 107 academic papers and monographs (including 16 in SCI and 43 in EI). The editor in chief has authored two academic monographs, including "Modeling and Stability Control of Urban Large Event Crowd Dynamics" and "UWB Positioning Technology and Intelligent Manufacturing Applications". He has been authorized 18 invention patents, 1 utility model patent, and 37 software copyrights.

Research work experience: From 2005 to present, associate professor at the School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Tongji University; From 2007 to 2008, as a visiting scholar at Aalborg University (AAU), Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Ministry of Education, studying the stability of complex systems.



2.1 Electronic Measurements

Cooperation prof.Marco Sampietro

This course introduces fundamentals of the modern measurement science and uncertainty theory; basic principles of the electrical instruments and their correct management; measurement methods of the main electrical quantities; modern measurement systems based on programmable instrumentation and PC-based data acquisition; prerequisites electronic devices and components, electronic systems analysis.

2.2 Electronic Systems

Cooperation prof.Eros Pasero, Demarchi Danilo, Luciano Lavagno

This course provides a structured view of electronic systems and their parts with a top-down approach. A complex system is decomposed in modules and their interfaces. Students will learn how electronics can add functionality and value to mechanical or other systems. Contents include the principles of analog amplification, feedback techniques, operation of logic circuits, signal processing with digital techniques, and the basics of power electronics. The course analyzes a complex electronic system and decomposes it into modules, described in terms of functions and interfaces.

2.3 Foundation of Mechanics

Cooperation prof.

Basic Mechanics is a very important basic technical course for the majors of engineering and technology. It’s also the foundation of other mechanics courses( e.g. design,

manufacture, mechatronics). The task of this course is to enable students to master the

basic laws of mechanical movement and their research methods for particles, systems of particles and rigid bodies (including static and dynamic balance). Preliminary learn how to use these theories and methods to analyze and solve practical engineering problems (including abstracting theoretical mechanics model for some simple practical engineering problems), to learn a series of successor program to lay the necessary foundation for future learning and mastering new science and technology.


[1]     2016年同济大学精品实验项目“机械机构分析”,2016.7-2018.6

[2]     2015年上海市教委,上海高校外国留学生英语授课示范性课程建设项目(2015-137)《电子测量》,2015.7-2017.6

[3]     2015年同济大学精品课程项目“电子测量”,2015.7-2016.6



[1]     2023年国家自然科学基金面上项目“大型活动中斜坡微路网区域人群流动模型与稳定控制策略(72374154)”,20241-202712月;

[2]     2020年国家自然科学基金面上项目“公共场所交叉通道的人群汇流动力学建模与稳定性分析(72074170)”,20211-202412月;

[3]     2013年国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于自组织临界性沙堆模型的人群疏散稳定性分析(71373178)”,20141-201712月;

[4]     2013年上海市自然基金面上项目“考虑恐慌传播的人群应急疏散稳定性研究(13ZR1444700)”,20137-20166月;

[5]     中国商飞-同济大学战略合作系列科技攻关项目,201810-20239月;


[1]     2018国家重点研发计划政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项“氢安全智能检测装备关键技术研究及工程示范”,2018YFE010500020191   202112月;

[2]     2017国家重点研发计划政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项 基于3D实时位置信息的智能工厂物流优化与碰撞 规避技术研究, 2017YFE0100900, 20181   202012月;

[3]     2013年国家自然科学基金重大研究计划“区域大规模人群疏散仿真推演与决策支持系统91324016”,20141-201612月;

[4]     2012年国家863计划项目名称:“多源多维城市交通状态感知与交互处理(2012AA112307)”子课题“大城市分布式多源多维交通状态信息云计算技术”;

[5]     2012年上海市科学技术委员会项目“千兆级超超临界锅炉数字样机关键技术研究”(12DZ1124902)

[6]     2011国家自然科学基金重大研究计划“非常规突发事件处置模式及应急技术集成原理与方法(91024023)” 2014.01 - 2014.12.

[7]     2012年国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于群智能的突发事件区域人群疏散模型研究(71273188)”,20131-201612月;

[8]     2010年国家自然基金青年基金项目“面向问题模式挖掘的复杂芯片制造过程近全局优化动态调度方法研究(509051292010.1-2012.12

[9]     2007年国家自然基金面上项目“可中断批处理多服务器系统动态调度的研究(60674076 2007.01 - 2009.12

[10]  2012年中国商用飞机有限责任公司项目“民用飞机生产安全与能源综合管理系统研究与开发”;




(1)    2023年第四届安全科学技术进步奖,“民用飞机制造过程安全生产关键技术及应用”,二等奖,第2获奖人,中国安全生产协会。证书编号:2023-2-239-R02.

(2)    2023年长三角数字化绿色化协同转型发展典型案例,“民用飞机制造绿色园区管理平台”,中共上海市委网络安全和信息化委员会办公室.

(3)    2023年上海产学研合作优秀项目奖,民用飞机制造过程绿色安全智慧管理平台研制与应用,三等奖,第2获奖人,上海市科技成果转化促进会.

(4)    2018年度同济大学电子与信息工程学院优秀教师奖励金二等奖.

(5)    2017年上海高校外国留学生英语授课示范性课程证书《电子测量》,上海市教委,编号:2015-137

(6)    2017年江苏省“双创人才”企业创新类,证书编号:(20171357

(7)    2017年,大型火电机组经济运行与负荷调度优化技术及应用, 上海市科学技术委员会,上海市科技进步奖,三等奖,赵荣泳(9/10),2017

(8)    2008年,复杂生产系统的数字化建模、仿真与智能优化技术及应用.获奖类型:教育部科技进步奖,获奖等级:二等奖,第13获奖人,中国教育部,2008125日,证书号:2007-218

(9)    2006年,复杂制造系统的规划设计和生产过程组织中的数字化工厂技术与应用.获获奖类型:上海市科技进步奖,获奖等级:三等,第7获奖人,上海市科学技术委员会,20061124日,证书号:20064404-3-R07

(10) 2003年教育部提名国家科技进步奖一等奖;“网络化服务与工程支持系统集成平台及其应用”

(11) 2002第十六届上海市优秀发明选拔赛一等奖,“数字化多媒体远程服务/远程工程支持系统”200210



5.2英文期刊论文(SCI 24篇,含中科院一区SCI论文9篇、JCR一区论文17篇)

[1].   Zhao, R.; Wei, B.; Han, L.; Cai, Y.; Ma, Y.; Li, C. A Multiscale Mixed-Graph Neural Network Based on Kinematic and Dynamic Joint Features for Human Motion Prediction. Appl. Sci. 2025, 15(4), 1897,1-18. doi:10.3390/app15041897(JCR一区,中科院SCI四区,IF:2.7).

[2].   Rongyong Zhao,Bingyu Wei,Chuanfeng Han,Ping Jia, Wenjie Zhu,Cuiling Li, and Yunlong Ma, "Improved Crowd Dynamics Analysis Considering Physical Contact Force and Panic Emotional Propagation," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 1840-1851, Feb. 2025, doi: 10.1109/TITS.2024.3512501(JCR一区,中科院SCI一区, IF:8.5,中科院工程技术类Top期刊).

[3].   Rongyong Zhao, Feng Hua , Bingyu Wei, Cuiling Li, Yulong Ma, Eric S. W. Wong, and Fengnian Liu. A Review of Abnormal Crowd Behavior Recognition Technology Based on Computer Vision. Applied Sciences. 2024, 14, 9758:1-30. (JCR一区,中科院SCI四区,IF:2.7, DOI: 10.3390/app14219758 ).

[4].   Rongyong Zhao, Arifur Rahman, Bingyu Wei, Cuiling Li, Yunlong Ma, Yuxing Cai, Lingchen Han. A Review of Abnormal A literature review of contacting force measurement methods for pedestrian crowds. Heliyon,2024, 10,e39755:1-17. (JCR一区,中科院SCI四区,IF:2.7,DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e39755).

[5].   Zhao, R.; Zhu, W.; Han, C.; Wei, B.; Zhang, H.; Rahman, A.; Li, C. Pedestrian Fall Detection Methods for Public Traffic Areas: A Literature Review. Applied Sciences.2024,14, 8934:1-21.DOI: 10.3390/app14198934 (JCR一区,中科院SCI四区,IF:2.7,).

[6].   Wei, Bingyu, Rongyong Zhao(Correspondence Author), Cuiling Li, Miyuan Li, Yunlong Ma, and Eric S. W. Wong. Disturbance Propagation Model of Luggage Drifting Motion Based on Nonlinear Pressure in Typical Passenger Corridors of Transportation Hubs. Applied Sciences. 2024; 14(11):1-19,DOI:10.3390/app14114942, WOS:001078923300002 (JCR一区,中科院SCI四区,IF:2.7.

[7].   Cuiling Li, Rongyong Zhao(Correspondence Author); Yan Wang; Ping Jia; Wenjie Zhu; Yunlong Ma; Miyuan Li. Disturbance Propagation Model of Pedestrian Fall Behavior in a Pedestrian Crowd and Elimination Mechanism Analysis.IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2024, 25(2):1519-1529, DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2023.3314072 ,WOS:001078190400001 (JCR一区,中科院SCI一区, IF:8.5,中科院工程技术类Top期刊).

[8].   Rongyong Zhao,Yan Wang, Ping Jia, Cuiling Li, Daheng Dong, Yunlong Ma. Video-based pedestrian grouping model considering long span space in a big hall. Journal of Management Science and Engineering.2023,8:398-412, DOI: 10.1016/j.jmse.2022.12.005, WOS:001025485800001( JCR一区,中科院SCI四区,IF: 6.6,ESCI.

[9].   Wenjie Zhu, Rongyong Zhao (Correspondence Author), Hao Zhang,Culing Li,Ping Jia,Dong Wangle, Miyuan Li. Panic-Pressure Conversion Model From Microscopic Pedestrian Movement to Macroscopic Crowd Flow. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics,2023, December, Vol. 18, 121001, 1-9,DOI: 10.1115/1.4063505. ( JCR:二区,中科院SCI四区,IF: 2.0,

[10]. Cuiling Li , Rongyong Zhao (Correspondence Author), Chuanfeng Han , Rahman Arifur, Yunlong Ma and Qiong Liu. Dynamic Disturbance Propagation Model of Pedestrian Panic Behaviors and Lyapunov-Based Crowd Stability Analysis. Applied Sciences. 2023,13,11762,1-19 , DOI: 10.3390/app132111762WOS:001100211700001( JCR一区,中科院SCI四区,IF: 2.7.

[11]. Wenjie Zhu, Rongyong Zhao (Correspondence Author), Hao Zhang, Jianfeng Lu, Zhishu Zhang, Bingyu Wei and Yuhang Fan. Improved Indoor Positioning Model Based on UWB/IMU Tight Combination with Double-Loop Cumulative Error Estimation. Applied Sciences. 2023, 13(18): 1-17, DOI: 10.3390/app131810046,WOS:001078923300001( JCR一区,中科院SCI四区,IF: 2.7.

[12]. Zhishu Zhang, Rongyong Zhao(Correspondence Author), Hao Zhang, Wenjie Zhu, Ping Jia, Cuiling Li and Yunlong Ma. Variable-Weighted Error Propagation Model of a Ultra-Wide-Band Indoor Positioning System in an Intelligent Manufacturing Lab. Applied Sciences. 2023; 13(14):8400, DOI: 10.3390/app13148400( JCR一区,中科院SCI四区,IF: 2.7.

[13]. Zhao, Rongyong Wang, Yan Jia, Ping Zhu, Wenjie Li, Cuiling Ma, Yunlong and Li, Miyuan, Abnormal Behavior Detection Based on Dynamic Pedestrian Centroid Model: Case Study on U-Turn and Fall-Down, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,2023,24(8): 8066-8078, DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2023.3263586( JCR一区,中科院SCI一区,IF:8.5,中科院工程技术类Top期刊).

[14]. Rongyong Zhao, Daheng Dong, Yan Wang, Cuiling Li, Yunlong Ma and Verónica Fuentes Enríquez. Image-Based Crowd Stability Analysis Using Improved Multi-Column Convolutional Neural Network[J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2022,23(6).:5480-55489, DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2021.3054376 ( JCR一区,中科院SCI一区,IF:8.5,中科院工程技术类Top期刊).

[15]. Rongyong Zhao, Qiong Liu, Yan Wang, Ping Jia, Cuiling Li, Yunlong Ma and Wenjie Zhu. Dynamic Crowd Accident-Risk Assessment Based on Internal Energy and Information Entropy for Large-scale Crowd Flow Considering COVID-19 Epidemic context[J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2022,23(10):17466-17478DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2022.3156922JCR一区,中科院SCI一区,IF:8.5, 中科院工程技术类Top期刊).

[16]. Rongyong Zhao, Qiong Liu, Qianshan Hu, Daheng Dong,Cuiling Li* and Yunlong Ma. Lyapunov-Based Crowd Stability Analysis for Asymmetric Pedestrian Merging Layout at T-Shaped Street Junction[J]. IEEE Transactions On Intelligent Transportation Systems.2021.22(11):6833-6842,DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2020.2995275 JCR一区,中科院SCI一区, IF:8.5,中科院工程技术类Top期刊).

[17]. Rongyong Zhao, Dong Wang,Yan Wang,Chuanfeng Han,Ping Jia,Cuiling Li and Yunlong Ma. Macroscopic View: Crowd Evacuation Dynamics at T-Shaped Street Junctions Using a Modified Aw-Rascle Traffic Flow Model[J].IEEE Transactions On Intelligent Transportation Systems.2021,22(10):6612-6621DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2021.3095829JCR一区,中科院SCI一区,IF:8.5,中科院工程技术类Top期刊).

[18]. Rongyong Zhao, Daheng Dong, Cuiling Li(Correspondence Author), Steven Liu, Hao Zhang, Miyuan Li and Wenzhong Shen. An Improved Power Control Approach for Wind Turbine Fatigue Balancing in an Offshore Wind Farm[J], Energies, 2020, 13(7): 1-20,DOI:10.3390/en13071549JCR:三区,中科院SCI四区, IF: 3.252.

[19]. Rongyong Zhao, Qianshan Hu, Qiong Liu, Cuiling Li, Daheng Dong and Yunlong Ma. Panic Propagation Dynamics of High-Density Crowd Based on Information Entropy and Aw-Rascle Model[J], IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2020, 21(10):4425-4434, DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2019.2953357 (JCR一区,中科院SCI一区, IF:8.5,中科院工程技术类Top期刊.)

[20]. Lin Qian;Rongyong Zhao(Corresponding Author);Hao Zhang;Jianfeng Lu;Wei Wu. Cooperative Bargaining Game-Based Scheduling Model with Variable Multi-Objective Weights in a UWB and 5G Embedded Workshop. IEEE Internet of Things Journal.2022,9(11):8498-8514,DOI:10.1109/JIOT.2021.3114258( JCR一区, 中科院SCI一区 IF9.471,中科院工程技术类Top期刊).

[21]. Rongyong Zhao, Cuiling Li, Xiangke Tian. A Novel Industrial Multimedia: Rough Set based Fault Diagnosis System used in CNC Grinding Machine .MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS. 2017(76): 19913–19926.DOI:10.1007/s11042-016-3878-0,WOS: 000409180500035. ISSN: 1380-7501,eISSN: 1573-7721 (JCR:二区, 中科院SCI四区).

[22]. Xiangke Tian,Rongyong Zhao(Correspondence Author),Energy network flow model and optimization based on energy hub for big harbor industrial park. Journal of Coastal Research.2015. SI.73,298-303,WOS:000351538400053(JCR:四区, 中科院SCI四区).

[23]. Rongyong Zhao, Wenzhong Shen, Torben Knudsen, Thomas Bak. Fatigue distribution optimization for offshore wind farms using intelligent agent control. Wind Energy,we.1518 Wind Energy. Volume 15, Issue 7, pages 927–944, October 2012, WOS:000309749600004,EI: 20124215579685(SCI三区,IF1.768).

[24]. Pu, Qiong; Wang, Jian; Zhao, Rongyong. Strong Authentication Scheme for Telecare Medicine Information Systems .JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SYSTEMS, Volume 36,Issue 4, 2609-2619,AUG 2012. WOS:000306549000053,EI: 20124215579685(SCI三区,IF 1.783).





[1].     Rongyong Zhao, Bingyu Wei, Wenjie Zhu, Haonan Li, Chengyuan Zheng,"Experiment design for skeleton-based pedestrian abnormal-behavior recognition," Proc. SPIE 12923, Third International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, and Visualization (AIVRV 2023), 1292305 (8 November 2023, Chongqing, China); doi: 10.1117/12.3011407

[2].     Rongyong Zhao, Chengyuan Zheng, Wenjie Zhu, Bingyu Wei, Haonan Li, "A review of pedestrian pose recognition in cross-passages in public places," Proc. SPIE 12923, Third International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, and Visualization (AIVRV 2023), 1292306 (8 November 2023, Chongqing, China);doi: 10.1117/12.3011403

[3].     Rongyong Zhao, Haonan Li, Wenjie Zhu, Bingyu Wei, Chengyuan Zheng,Quanwei Lin, "A review of UWB positioning technology applications in personnel security management," Proc. SPIE 12716, Third International Conference on Digital Signal and Computer Communications (DSCC 2023),1271614 (28 July 2023, Xi'an, China); doi: 10.1117/12.2685481.

[4].     R. Zhao, P. Jia, C. Han, Y. Wang, C. Li and Z. Zhang, "Analysis of dynamic model based on pedestrian’s abnormal posture" [C] MATEC Web of Conferences, 2022, Vol. 355:03010, doi: 10.1051/matecconf/202235503010.

[5].     W. Zhu, R. Zhao, H. Zhang, P. Jia, Y. Ma, C. Li and Y. Wang, "Fall behavior recognition for old pedestrians based on kinematic characteristics," International Workshop on Automation, Control, and Communication Engineering (IWACCE 2022), doi: 10.1117/12.2662734.

[6].     R. Zhao, C. Dong, W. Zhu, P. Jia, Y. Ma, C. Li, and Y. Wang, "Detection model and experiments of pedestrian fall behavior in cross passages using Baidu AI," International Workshop on Automation, Control, and Communication Engineering (IWACCE 2022), doi:10.1117/12.2661218.

[7].     Cuiling Li, Rongyong Zhao, Yunlong Ma, Miyuan Lia, Ping Jia, Wenjie Zhu, Yan Wang," Experiment study on pedestrian abnormal behavior detection and crowd stability analysis in cross passages," International Workshop on Automation, Control, and Communication Engineering (IWACCE 2022), doi:10.1117/12.2666189.

[8].     R. Zhao, M. Li, C. Li, P. Jia, W. Zhu, Y. Ma, and Y. Wang, "Stability analysis based on a coupled macroscopic pedestrian flow model considering moving obstacles," International Workshop on Automation, Control, and Communication Engineering (IWACCE 2022), doi:10.1117/12.2663258.

[9].     R. Zhao, P. Jia, Y. Wang, W. Zhu, C. Li and Y. Ma, "Pedestrian’s Abnormal Behaviour Detection Based on Machine Vision," Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2022, 2224(1): 012019, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2224/1/012019.

[10].  W. Zhu, R. Zhao, H. Zhang, P. Jia, Y. Wang, C. Li and Y. Ma, "Crowd Stability Analyis Based on Pedestrian Abnormal Postures" [J] Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2022, Vol. 2224(1), doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/2224/1/012062.

[11].  R. Zhao, P. Jia, Y. Wang, C. Li, Z. Zhang and L. Qian, "Dynamic model of crowd flow in multi-angle cross passages based on machine vision," 2021 IEEE 5th Advanced Information Technology, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (IAEAC), 2021, pp. 2622-2626, doi: 10.1109/IAEAC50856.2021.9390943.

[12].  R. Zhao, Y. Wang, P. Jia, C. Li, Y. Ma and Z. Zhang, "Review of Human Gesture Recognition Based on Computer Vision Technology," 2021 IEEE 5th Advanced Information Technology, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (IAEAC), 2021, pp. 1599-1603, doi: 10.1109/IAEAC50856.2021.9390889.

[13].  H. Zhang, Z. Zhang, R. Zhao, J. Lu, Y. Wang and P. Jia, "Review on UWB-based and multi-sensor fusion positioning algorithms in indoor environment," 2021 IEEE 5th Advanced Information Technology, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (IAEAC), 2021, pp. 1594-1598, doi: 10.1109/IAEAC50856.2021.9390630.

[14].  R. Zhao, P. Jia, Y. Wang, C. Li, Y. Ma and Z. Zhang, "Dynamic propagation model of crowd panic based on Shanoon's entropy theory under COVID-19 epidemic situation," 2021 IEEE 5th Advanced Information Technology, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (IAEAC), 2021, pp. 1720-1724, doi: 10.1109/IAEAC50856.2021.9391003.

[15].  R. Zhao, Y. Wang, P. Jia, C. Li, Y. Ma and Z. Zhang, "Abnormal Human Behavior Recognition Based on Image Processing Technology," 2021 IEEE 5th Advanced Information Technology, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (IAEAC), 2021, pp. 1924-1928, doi: 10.1109/IAEAC50856.2021.9390762.

[16].  R. Zhao, Y. Wan, Q. Liu, D. Dong and C. Li, "Crowd stability analysis based on fluid resonance superposition principle and Lyapunov criterion," 2020 IEEE 16th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 2020, pp. 937-941, doi: 10.1109/CASE48305.2020.9216957.

[17].  Y. Ma, R. Zhao, Y. Wang and M. Li, "Design and Development of Cloud System Used for Exhaust Emission Prediction and Warning in Spray Booth for Complex Products," 2020 IEEE 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics (ICCCBDA), 2020, pp. 103-107, doi: 10.1109/ICCCBDA49378.2020.9095699.

[18]. Z. Zhang, J. Lu, L. Xia, S. Wang, H. Zhang and R. Zhao, "Digital twin system design for dual-manipulator cooperation unit," 2020 IEEE 4th Information Technology, Networking, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (ITNEC), 2020, pp. 1431-1434, doi: 10.1109/ITNEC48623.2020.9084652.

[19]. Yuanqiang Shi, Rongyong Zhao(Corresponding Author), Hong Chen, Xuekui Wu, Yan Wang and Qiong Liu. IoT based service cloud design for distributed generator sets [A]. 2019 5th International Conference on Energy Equipment Science and Engineering[C]. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Online ISSN: 1755-1315, Print ISSN: 1755-1307. 2020, Vol.461.1-6.

[20]. Yuanqiang Shi, Rongyong Zhao(Corresponding Author), Hong Chen, Xuekui Wu, Qiong Liu and Yan Wang. A new design of generator set controller in cloud service system based IoT technology [A]. 2019 5th International Conference on Energy Equipment Science and Engineering[C]. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Online ISSN: 1755-1315, Print ISSN: 1755-1307. 2020, Vol.461,1-6.

[21]. Rongyong Zhao, Qiong Liu, Cuiling Li, Daheng Dong, Qianshan Hu and Yunlong Ma. Knowledge Reduction Model of Crowd Evacuation Stability Based on Rough Set Theory. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering(MSE) (ISSN:1757-8981 EISSN:1757-899X).

[22]. Rongyong Zhao, Qiong Liu, Cuiling Li, Daheng Dong, Qianshan Hu and Yunlong Ma. Assessment model for the Stability Situation of Crowd Evacuation based on Thermodynamic Map. World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Engineering and Information Technology. June 29-30, 2019, Shanghai, China.

[23]. Rongyong Zhao, Qiong Liu, Cuiling Li, Daheng Dong, Qianshan Hu and Yunlong Ma. Performance Comparison and Application of Swarm Intelligence Algorithms in Crowd Evacuation. 2020 the 4th International Conference on Management Engineering, Software Engineering and Service Sciences (ICMSS 2020). January 17-19, 2020, Wuhan, China.

[24].  Rongyong Zhao, Yan Wang, Qiong Liu, Daheng Dong, Cuiling Li. Intelligent Evaluating Model of Crowd Movement Stability Based on Variable-Precision Rough Set[A]. 2020 the 4th International Conference on Management Engineering, Software Engineering and Service Sciences[C]. International Conference Proceedings Series by ACM. ISBN: 978-1-4503-7641-9.

[25].  Rongyong Zhao, Yan Wang, Qiong Liu, Daheng Dong, Cuiling Li. Knowledge Acquisition Model for Stability Situation Judgement used in Crowd Evacuation[A]. 2020 5th International Conference on Computer and Communication Systems Shanghai, China, February 22-24, 2020[C]. Shanghai: IEEE Press, 2020.

[26].  Rongyong Zhao, Yan Wang, Qiong Liu, Daheng Dong, Cuiling Li, Yunlong Ma. Analysis of crowd flow characteristics based on multi-space scale and multi-source data fusion[A]. The 3rd International Seminar on Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Information Technology[C]. Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Online ISSN: 1742-6596).

[27].  Rongyong Zhao, Daheng Dong, Cuiling Li, Qiong Liu, Qianshan Hu, Yunlong Ma, Qin Zhang. Video based crowd stability analysis used in emegency evacuation[A].Proceedings of  2019 IEEE 3rd Information Technology, Networking, Electronic and Automation Control Conference[]. ChengDu: IEEE Press, ISBN: 978-1-5386-6243-4, 2019.354-358

[28].  Rongyong Zhao, Qiong Liu, Cuiling Li, Daheng Dong, Qianshan Hu, Yunlong Ma, Qin Zhang. Knowledge Representation Model for Evolution of Crowd Evacuation Stability [A].Proceedings of  2019 IEEE 3rd Information Technology, Networking, Electronic and Automation Control Conference[]. ChengDu: IEEE Press, ISBN: 978-1-5386-6243-4,2019.404-408

[29].  Rongyong Zhao, Qianshan Hu, Cuiling Li, Daheng Dong,Qiong Liu, ,Yunlong Ma, Qin Zhang. Macroscopic crowd panic quantification model of crowd evacuation based on information entropy[A].Proceedings of 2019 IEEE 3rd Information Technology, Networking, Electronic and Automation Control Conference[]. ChengDu: IEEE Press, ISBN: 978-1-5386-6243-4,2019. 388-392

[30].  Rongyong Zhao, Qiong Liu, Cuiling Li, Daheng Dong, Qianshan Hu ,Yunlong Ma.Fuzzy neural network based scenario features extraction and mapping model for crowd evacuation stability analysis. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Online ISSN: 1757-899X. 2018.Vol.1176(2):140-144.

[31].  Zhao, Rongyong, Dong, Daheng, Hu, QianshanLi, Cuiling, Wang, Dong. Nonlinear Dynamics Model of Crowd Panic Propagation under Disaster Conditions. AER-Advances in Engineering Research. 2017(140):225-228. ISBN:978-94-6252-458-3,ISSN: 2352-5401 (SCI: WOS:000426703800047)

[32].  Qianshan Hu, Rongyong Zhao[Corresponding Author], Cuiling Li,Dong Wang, Xiangke Tian, Qin Zhang. Stability analysis for crowd evacuation based on self-organized criticality theory. Proceedings on Service System Engineering Conference & Symposium on Analysis and Risk 2017, July 7th-9th,2017,Shanhai,China.ISBN 978-1-926642-17-8.78-83.

[33].  Dong Wang,Rongyong Zhao[Corresponding Author],Cuiling Li,Qianshan Hu, Xiangke Tian, Qin Zhang.Simulation and analysis of T-shaped road Junction stampede using macroscopic model. Proceedings on Service System Engineering Conference & Symposium on Analysis and Risk 2017, July 7th-9th,2017,Shanhai,China.ISBN 978-1-926642-17-8.71-77.

[34].  Xiangke Tian,Jian Wang,Rongyong Zhao,Qianshan Hu,Dong Wang,Qin Zhang.The research on energy model of green manufacturing system in ecological industrial area based on Energy Hub-Agent. Proceedings on Service System Engineering Conference & Symposium on Analysis and Risk 2017, July 7th-9th,2017,Shanhai,China.ISBN 978-1-926642-17-8.51-57.

[35].  Rongyong Zhao, Cuiling Li, Xiangke Tian, Dong Wang. Rough Set based Decision Support Model and its Application in Teaching Estimation System for Bachelor Course. International Conference on Material Science and Engineering Technology Phuket, Thailand ,October 14-16, 2016.

[36].  Zhao, RY; Li, CL; Ling, WQ; Ma, YL; Sun, Y. Crowd Evacuation Knowledge Management Based on Rough Set Theory. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN MANAGEMENT ENGINEERING AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY.JUN 28-29, 2015     Bangkok, THAILAND.2015. 953-958.

[37].  Zhao, RY; Li, CL; Ling, WQ; Ma, YL.A Rough Set-based Knowledge Discovery Model for Crowd Evacuation in a Fire Emergency. International Conference on Advanced Management Science and Information Engineering (AMSIE)     SEP 20-21, 2015.Hong Kong, PEOPLES R CHINA 37-42 (WOS:000361829200006)

[38].  Zhao, RY; Li, CL; Ling, WQ; Ma, YL. Evolution Mechanism Discovery for Crowd Evacuation Based on Rough Set Theory. International Conference on Advances in Management Engineering and Information Technology (AMEIT),JUN 28-29, 2015.THAILAND.959-964(SCI:WOS:000361173400 121)

[39].  Rongyong Zhao, Cuiling Li.A Novel Teaching Strategy for Professional English Course for Automation Bachelor Program in Current Universities. International Conference on Social Science, Education Management and Sports Education(SSEMSE 2015).655-658.2015.(EI Compendex).

[40].  Zhao, Rongyong; Wang, Jian; Ling, Weiqing.Crowd evacuation stability based on Self-organized Criticality Theory. Applied Mechanics and Materials.2014.Vol.2403.501-504. (SCI:WOS:000339031501197)

[41].  Rongyong ZHAO, Cuiling LI. Self-organized Criticality Theory and its Potential Application in High Density Pedestrian Evacuation Simulation in Public Buildings.2014. Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 501-504, 2432-2435(EI Compendex).

[42].  Zhao, Rongyong;Wang, Jian;Ling, Weiqing.A coupling model for production and energy consumption used in continuous production industry. Advanced Materials Research, v 347-353, p 3131-3134, 2012, Renewable and Sustainable Energy.Database: EI Compendex

[43].  Zhao, Rongyong; Wang, Jian;Ling; Weiqing .A novel solution for energy-saving potential analysis in continuous production industry. Advanced Materials Research, v 347-353, p 3147-3150, 2012.

[44].  Zhao, Rongyong; Wang, Jian;Ling, Weiqing.A technical solution of service cloud building for energy-saving and emission-reduction in manufacture industry. Advanced Materials Research, v 361-363, p 1043-1046, 2012.

[45].  Zhao, Rongyong; JianwangLing, Weiqing.Research on stability analysis methods for intelligent pedestrian evacuation in unconventional emergency. Communications in Computer and Information Science, v 228 CCIS, PART 5, p 452-458, 2011. (WOS:000308567400058)

[46].  Zhao, Rongyong; Su, YongqingKnudsen, TorbenBak, ThomasShen, Wen Zhong.Multi-Agent model for fatigue control in large offshore wind farm.Proceedings - 2008 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, CIS 2008, v 1, p 71-75, 2008, Proceedings.Database: EI Compendex

[47].  Zhao, Rongyong; Zhang, HaoLu, JiangfengLi, CuilingZhang, Hui.A new machine learning method based on PCA and SVM.2006 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, ICCIAS 2006, v 1, p 187-190, 2007, 2006 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, ICCIAS 2006.Database: EI Compendex

[48].  Yongqing Su; Rongyong Zhao;Zhe Chen.Power dispatch strategy for wind farm based on virtual market.2009 Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, p 5 pp., 2009.Database: EI Compendex

[49].  Li, Culling; Zhao, RongyongXiang, YangXu, Shanlin.Data mining approach for ship virtual assembly based on rough set theory.Proceedings - 2008 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, CIS 2008, v 2, p 128-132, 2008, Proceedings - 2008 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, CIS 2008.Database: EI Compendex

[50].  Cuiling Li; Rongyong ZhaoYang XiangShanlin Xu.Data mining approach for ship virtual assembly based on rough set theory.2008 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, p 128-32, 2008. EI Compendex

[51].  Li, Cui-Ling ; Zhao, Rong-Yong.A rough set based knowledge discovery model and its application in virtual assembly. Advanced Materials Research, v 314-316, p 2132-2139, 2011, Advanced Manufacturing Technology.Database: EI Compendex

[52].  Li, Cuiling; Zhang, HaoWang, JianZhao, Rongyong. A new pattern recognition model based on heuristic SOM network and rough set theory. 2006 IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety, ICVES, 2006,45-48,.Database: EI Compendex

[53].  Cuiling, Li; Hao, ZhangRongyong, Zhao.The precision manufacturing for the tooling of automobile body part based on virtual assembly. IEEE ICIT 2007 - 2007 IEEE International Conference on Integration Technology,297-300, 2007.Database: EI Compendex



From 中国知网(www.cnki.net

























[25]张庆龙,戴毅茹,赵荣泳.基于C#Arc Engine的毒气扩散仿真系统的设计与实现[J].机电产品开发与创新,2013,26(01):90-92.



[28]樊留群,罗亮,赵荣泳,.基于CATIA Analysis的冲压端拾器力学分析及应用[J].机电一体化,2012,18(05):57-60+71.




























[56]赵荣泳,张浩,李翠玲,.Rough Set规则自动生成的关键算法改进[J].计算机工程与应用,2005,(13):32-35.

















5.5 学术专著

[1]     赵荣泳, 韩传峰, 陆剑峰,韦炳宇. 人群行为识别理论与视觉AI技术研究[M].北京:科学出版社,2024-09-01. ISBN: 9787030794468.应急管理与控制丛书,270千字.赵荣泳承担字数:135000,韩传峰承担字数:54000,陆剑峰承担字数:54000,韦炳宇承担字数:27000

论著简介:在公共安全系统工程领域,人群异常行为成为各类严重人群事件的根本致因。研究和开发人群异常行为识别技术,成为破解人群踩踏难题的重要技术途径。为此,本书从计算机视觉角度,阐述了人员密集场所人群异常行为分析、识别和技术防范等关键技术,系统地介绍了国际上人群异常行为视频数据资源;循序渐进地阐述了人体姿态特征识别模型、行人运动学质心和动力学质心模型、恐慌行为识别模型、异常行为扰动与人群稳定性判据等核心理论;深入浅出地论述了计算机视觉检测技术相关的开发资源、异常行为检测程序设计和应用案例。并附各章核心模型和算法的MatlabPython 等代码。本书为广大读者提供人群异常行为分析和识别理论基础,并为相关计算机视觉开发提供技术借鉴。本书可供从事公众保护研究的科研人员、相关专业的高年级本科生或者研究生,以及现代城市治理从业者使用。

[2]     张浩,彭道刚,陆剑峰,赵荣泳,于会群. 新能源微电网车网融合管理与优化. [M]. 北京:中国电力出版社,2024-03-01. ISBN: 9787519872748.273千字.责任编辑:乔莉, 张浩承担字数:73000,彭道刚承担字数:60000,陆剑峰承担字数:70000,赵荣泳承担字数:40000,于会群承担字数:30000.


[3]     赵荣泳,韩传峰,张浩. 城市大型活动人群动力学建模与稳定性控制[M]. 北京:科学出版社,2022-08-01. ISBN: 9787030727978.应急管理与控制丛书,350千字.赵荣泳承担字数:175000,韩传峰承担字数:105000,张浩承担字数:70000


[4]     陆剑峰,张浩,赵荣泳.数字孪生技术与工程实践[M].北京:机械工业出版社,2022-03-01. ISBN:9787111695929.国家级工业控制与智能制造丛书.394千字.赵荣泳承担字数:175000


[5]     赵荣泳,张浩,林权威,陆剑峰. UWB定位技术及智能制造应用[M],北京:机械工业出版社,2020-10. ISBN:978-7-111-66744-5.国家级工业控制与智能制造丛书.312千字.赵荣泳承担字数:124800

论著简介:超宽带(Ultra Wide-BandUWB)是一种新型的无线通信技术,近年来兴起了对该技术的研究和产品开发热潮。本书面向人工智能本科专业,阐述了智能制造领域生产要素UWB高精度定位技术的相关理论、模型、算法、研发路径、核心代码和多行业工程案例。

[6]     陆剑峰,张浩,杨海超,赵荣泳.智能工厂数字化规划方法与应用[M].北京:机械工业出版社,2020-10. ISBN:978-7-111-66580-9.国家级工业控制与智能制造丛书.289千字.



5.5.1 授权发明专利


[1]  赵荣泳;贾萍;王妍;刘琼;李翠玲;韩传峰;马云龙.一种高风险区域人群稳定性演化仿真方法及仿真装置.ZL 2022 1 0048830.6授权公告号:CN 114444411 B. 日:20250124.

[2]  张浩;赵荣泳;陆剑峰;丁红海;徐萌颖;陈汝潇;汪雪. 一种面向客户复杂定制需求的油缸产品排产优化装置. ZL 2019 1 1423036.X. 号:CN 111191846 B. 日:20230804.

[3]  赵荣泳;陆剑峰;张浩;丁红海;张智舒;夏路遥;王盛. 一种基于AR的物流精准配送透明化辅助作业装置_ZL 2020 1 0131920.2, 号:CN 111401154 B ,20230718.

[4]  赵荣泳;陆剑峰;张浩;丁红海; 钱琳;吴伟;陶丽;.韩调娟; 一种基于分布式智能制造单元的车间自适应生产调度装置. 专利号ZL 2019114228393 授权公告号:CN 111260181 B,授权公告日:20230707.

[5]  赵荣泳;陆剑峰;张浩;丁红海;韩调娟;陶丽;钱琳. 一种微型环形零件制造服务信息实时更新系统. 专利号ZL202010044366.4 授权公告号:CN 111242643 B,授权公告日:20230602.

[6]  赵荣泳,董大亨,王妍,刘琼,李翠玲,马云龙.基于卷积神经网络的实时人群稳定状态识别方法及装置.专利号ZL2019110060321 授权公告号:CN110866453 B 授权公告日:202352.

[7]  赵荣泳,李翠玲,刘琼,胡钱珊,董大亨,马云龙.一种丁字路口人群稳定性预测方法及预测装置,专利号ZL2019104525073,授权公告号:CN 110298484 B 授权公告日:2023410.

[8]  赵荣泳,王妍,贾萍,刘琼,李翠玲,张智舒.基于能内和信息熵的人群风险区域动态标定方法及装置,专利号ZL2021101424595基于内能和信息熵的人群风险动态标定方法及装置_授权公告号:CN 112966895 B 授权公告日:20220916.

[9]  赵荣泳,李翠玲,刘琼,胡钱珊,董大亨,田相克,马云龙.基于信息熵的宏观人群恐慌度量方法及其应用,专利号ZL2018111083078,授权公告号:CN 109408889 B 授权公告日:20220812

[10]  赵荣泳,贾萍,王妍,刘琼,刘翠玲,张智舒.面向随机扰动的交通枢纽候车厅人群流动仿真方法及装置.专利号ZL2021101428153,授权公告号:CN 112966363 B 授权公告日:20220705

[11]  赵荣泳,汪栋,胡钱珊, 李翠玲,董大亨.一种基于街道宽度比的丁字路口高风险区域标定方法. 专利号:2017113858832 ,20171220.授权公告号:CN 108280251B 授权公告日:20210720

[12]赵荣泳,董大亨,胡钱珊, 李翠玲,汪栋.基于微观-宏观转换模型的区域人群运动状态预测方法,专利号:2018107320136201875,授权公告号:CN 109145365B授权公告日:20210604

[13]李翠玲,赵荣泳,汪栋,胡钱珊, 董大亨.基于人群疏散宏观模型的丁字路口疏散仿真方法.专利号:2017113772333,授权公告号:CN 108256152B 授权公告日:20210511

[14]  赵荣泳,刘琼,胡钱珊,李翠玲,董大亨,马云龙.宏观人群恐慌传播动力学模型建立方法及动力学模型应用,专利号:20181111507605,授权公告号:CN 109472049B 授权公告日:20210326

[15]赵荣泳,董大亨,胡钱珊,李翠玲, 汪栋.人群疏散宏观模型迭代式仿真方法,专利号: 2018107314154,授权公告号:CN 109063268B 授权公告日:20210326

[16]赵荣泳,汪栋,董大亨,胡钱珊,李翠玲.一种丁字路口客车下客点选择方法.专利号:201711384954.7,授权公告号:CN 108256155B 授权公告日:20210326

[17]李翠玲,凌卫青,马云龙.赵荣泳,田相克,汪栋.一种基于自组织沙堆模型的人群疏散仿真方法.专利号:2016103943798 ,授权公告号:CN 106096115B,授权公告日:2019611

[18]  赵荣泳,李翠玲,胡钱珊,田相克,汪栋.一种灾害条件下人群踩踏行为演化的知识发现方法.专利号:2016108153860,授权公告号: CN106485237B,授权公告日:201942

[19]赵荣泳,李翠玲,胡钱珊,田相克,汪栋.基于运动学小球模型的灾害条件下人群恐慌传播建模方法.专利号:201610578489X ,授权公告号:CN106250677B,授权公告日:201931

[20]  樊留群,马玉敏,赵荣泳.端拾器的自动优化设计方法.授权公告号:CN1987868,授权公告日:2007627

5.5.2 实用新型专利

[1]     赵荣泳、朱文杰、王妍、贾萍、张智舒、李翠玲、马云龙,一种用于交叉汇流通道的扰动监测系统,专利号:ZL202123390103.8,专利申请日期:20211230日,专利权利人:同济大学,授权公告日:2022816日,授权公告号:CN21721675U.

5.5.3 软件著作权

[1]  “城市交通枢纽人员应急疏散仿真系统(SEP V1.0”,软著登字第0181485号,20099,国家版权局.

[2]  “城市交通枢纽人员应急疏散三维仿真系统(3DSEP V1.0”,软著登字第0181484号,20099,国家版权局.

[3]  自动化高压储氢过程测控系统,软著登字第0356923,201112月,国家版权局.

[4]  汽车冲压线端拾器辅助设计系统,软著登字第0356920号,201112月,国家版权局.

[5]     汽车数字化工厂中的冲压线端拾器项目管理系统,软著登字第0357138号,201112月,国家版权局.

[6]     汽车冲压线端拾器虚拟运动检验系统,软著登字第0356895号,201112月,国家版权局.

[7]  “突发事件区域人群疏散场景建模系统V1.0”,软著登字第0470553号,20131,国家版权局.

[8]  “突发事件区域人群疏散仿真推演系统V1.0” ,软著登字第0470556号,20131,国家版权局.

[9]     “企业安全生产智能化视频监控软件[简称:ISSESP] V1.0”,登记号:2016SR4121517, 软著登字第1300134号,20165月,国家版权局

[10]  “企业安全生产知识管理软件[简称:ESKMS] V1.0”,登记号:2016SR155106, 软著登字第1333723号,20166月,国家版权局.

[11]  “企业安全生产培训软件[简称:ESPTS] V1.0”,登记号:2016SR155082, 软著登字第1333699号,20166月,国家版权局.

[12]  “企业安全生产智能化应急预案软件[简称:IEPSESP] V1.0”,登记号:2016SR149672, 软著登字第1328289号,20166月,国家版权局.

[13]  “基于iOS8.0的机组服务移动办公软件[简称:移动办公] V1.0”, 登记号:2017SR415934, 软著登字第2001218, 20178,国家版权局.

[14]  “基于iOS8.0的移动端机组监控软件[简称:机组监控] V1.0”,登记号:2017SR416308, 软著登字第2001592号,20178月,国家版权局.

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